Each calendar year, ITE members commit to invest a minimum of $3,000 to ITE-vetted candidates and organizations.
We organize and host private events for our contributors. Events are generally in person on weekdays and at lunchtime, providing members with the opportunity to interact with candidates in small group settings. Some events may be hosted over Zoom.
Members’ investments go directly to our events via specifically designated links for ITE contributions, or by check made out to the candidate/organization.
Events typically cost $1,000 to attend. Once a member has met her $3,000 annual commitment, events cost $500 to attend.
Members may bring guests to events for $250 or young guests for $100.
ITE also hosts educational events in person and over Zoom that are a free benefit of membership
Members are invited to attend Electing Women’s Alliance monthly calls and bi-annual convening.
Since our founding in June 2017, we’ve raised over $6.5 million.
Winner of the 2020 Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association Party Builder Award.
Women pooling our resources and amplifying our voices.